Tuesday, November 1, 2011

opinion, interpretation and summary of the article of Henrietta

   In my opinion, I like reading something about science because i am a science student. So I get interest in the problems about cells. I like the part that talk about how HeLa was borned and the story about Henrietta. And I can know how HeLa was.It was essential to developing the polio vaccine and went up in the first space missions to see what would happen to cells in zero gravity. Many scientific landmarks since then have used her cells, including cloning, gene mapping and in vitro fertilization. HeLa is very important to the world. But I don't like the part that how Rebacca find Henrietta's family. I think it is boring.

It is an article written by Sarach Zielinski. She was making some interview with Rebecca. In the article, first, she made some introduction about the book. Then, she used few questions to continue the article. Who was Henrietta Lacks. In this section, she introduced some background about Henrietta. Next, Why are her cells so important. There has bee a lot of confusion over the years about the source og HeLa cells. Why? How did Rebecca first get interested in this story? How did Rebecca win the trust of Henrietta's family? When did her family find out about Henrietta's cells? How did they do that? What are the lessons from the book? And for the rest of us? The author write down all the answer of those qusetions.

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