Tuesday, October 11, 2011

summary of p.67-92

  A few days after Rebacca first conversation with Day, she drove frome Pittsburgh to Baltimore to meet his son, David "Sonny" Lacks Jr. She needs to go to Turner Station. To get there, she needs to drive past the cement wall and fence that blocked it from the interstate, across a set of tracks, past churches in old storefronts, row of boarded-up houses, and a buzzing electrical generator as big as a football field. And finally she found Turner Station. After that she went to find their house, she found again and again. Finally, she ot Sonny on the phone. He said he'd decided not to meet her but wouldn't tell me why. When she asked him to put her in touch wit his family in Clover, he told her to go there and find them herself.

  Clover sits a few rolling hills off Route 360 in southern Virginia, just past Difficult Creek on the banks of the River of Death. Rebecca pulled into town under a blue December sky, with air warm enough for May, a yellow Post-it note with the only information Sonny had given her stuck on her dashboard: "They haven't found her grave. Make sure it's day--there are no lights, gets darker than dark. Ask anybody where Lack Town is." And she found it.

   By September, Henrietta's body was almost entirely taken over by tumors. She got one blood transfusion after another because her kindys could no longer filer the toxins from her blood. Her body went worse and worse. A doctor injected she with a heavy dose of morphine and she would forget her name for some moment. Finally, she died at 12:15 a.m. on October 4,1951.


I think it is a bit boring in the beginning of this few chapters.


Why doesn't the doctor tell Henrietta's family she is going to die?

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